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Angus, L., Snyder, I., & Sutherland-Smith, W. (2003). Families, cultural resources and the digital divide: ICTs and educational (dis)advantage. Australian Journal of Education, 47, 18-39. [ Links ]Barker, J., & Weller, S. (2003). "Never work with children?" The geography of methodological issues in research with children. Qualitative Research, 3, 207-227. [ Links ]Burns, B., & Ferguson, E. (1988). A developmental study of children's computer aptitude and knowledge about computer technology. Early Child Development and Care, 37, 7-22. [ Links ]Casas, F., Mjaavatn, P. E., Nayar, U., Rizzini, I., September, R., Figuer, C., González. M., & Malo, S. (2007). Adolescents, their parents and audiovisual media: Evaluations and interpersonal relationships in five countries. In F. Casas, I. Rizzini, R. September. P. E. Mjaavatn & U. Nayar (Eds.), Adolescents and audio-visual media in five countries (pp. 11-64). Girona, Spain: Documenta Universitaria. 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Theory into Practice, 31, 132-141. [ Links ]Moll, L. C., Tapia, J., & Whitmore, K. F. (1993). Living knowledge: The social distribution of cultural resources for thinking. In G. Salomon (Ed.), Distributed cognitions: Psychological and educational considerations (pp. 139-163). New York: Cambridge University Press. [ Links ]Oosterwegel, A., Littleton, K., & Light, P. (2004). Understanding computer-related attitudes through an idiographic analysis of gender- and self-representations. Learning and Instruction, 14, 215-233. [ Links ]Ospina, S., Macias, E. E., Shejavali, K., & González, G. (2002, January). Latino internet content study: Findings from focus group sessions. Retrieved November 2004, from pages/itPubs.html [ Links ]Orellana, M. F. (2003). Responsibilities of children in Latino immigrant homes. New Directions for Youth Development, 100, 25-39. [ Links ]Orellana, M. F., Reynolds, J., Dorner, L., & Meza, M. (2003). In other words: Translating or "para-phrasing" as a family literacy practice in immigrant households. The Reading Research Quarterly, 38, 12-34. [ Links ]Suoranta, J., & Lehtimäki, H. (2004). Children in the information society: The case of Finland (H. Liikala, Trans.). New York: Peter Lang. [ Links ]Thorne, B. (1993). Gender play: Boys and girls in School. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. [ Links ]Tornatzky, L. G., Macias, E. E., & Jones, S. (2002, February). Latinos and information technology: The promise and the challenge. Retrieved November 2004, from itPubs.html. [ Links ]Tse, I. (1996). Who decides? The effect of language brokering on home-school communications. The Journal of Education Issues-of Language Minority Students, 16, 225-233. [ Links ]U.S. Departament of Commerce, Economics and Staristics Administration, National Telecommunications and Information and Administration (2002). A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use Of The Internet. Retrieved November 2004, from index_2002.html [ Links ]Valdes, G. (2002). Expanding definitions of giftedness: The case of young interpreters from immigrant countries. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. [ Links ]Vélez-Ibáñez, C. G., & Greenberg, J. B. (1992). Formation and transformation of funds of knowledge among U.S.-Mexicanit households. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 23, 313-35. [ Links ]Villenas, S., & Moreno, M. (2001). To "valerse por si misma" between race, capitalism, and patriarchy: Latina mother-daughter pedagogies in North Carolina. Qualitative Studies in Education, 14, 671-687. [ Links ]Volman, M., & van Eck, E. (2001). Gender equity information technology in education: The second decade. Review Educational Research, 71, 613-634. [ Links ]Warschauer, M. (2003). Technology and social inclusion: Rethinking the digital divide. Cambridge, MA: MIT. [ Links ] 041b061a72


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