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Sudarshan Kriya So Hum Audio.mp3: A Breathing Technique for Stress Relief and Happiness

Art of Living Sudarshan Kriya So Hum Audio.mp3

If you are looking for a simple yet effective way to relax your mind and body, you might want to try Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation. This is a breathing technique that combines rhythmic breathing patterns with a mantra meditation. It is taught by the Art of Living Foundation, a global organization that aims to spread peace and happiness through yoga, meditation and service. In this article, we will explain what Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation is, how to practice it, what are its benefits, and how to access the audio file that guides you through the process.

Art Of Living Sudarshan Kriya So Hum Audio.mp3


Breathing is the most vital function of our body. It not only provides oxygen to our cells, but also regulates our emotions, thoughts and energy levels. However, most of us are not aware of our breathing patterns and how they affect our well-being. We often breathe shallowly, irregularly or rapidly, which can create stress, anxiety, fatigue and other negative emotions in our system.

That is why it is important to learn how to breathe consciously and rhythmically. By doing so, we can harmonize our body, mind and spirit, and experience a state of calmness, clarity and joy. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by practicing Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation.

What is Sudarshan Kriya?

Sudarshan Kriya is a rhythmic breathing technique that was cognized by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of the Art of Living Foundation, in 1981. The word Sudarshan means "proper vision" and Kriya means "purifying action". Thus, Sudarshan Kriya means "a purifying action that gives proper vision".

Sudarshan Kriya involves different cycles of breathing that vary in speed and intensity. These cycles are designed to stimulate different parts of the nervous system and release accumulated stress and toxins from the body and mind. The technique also helps to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which are responsible for logical and creative thinking respectively.

Sudarshan Kriya is usually practiced in a group setting with the guidance of a trained instructor. It takes about 45 minutes to complete and consists of six steps:

  • Vajrasana - taking a comfortable sitting posture

  • Ujjayi - slow and steady breathing

  • Bhastrika - quick and forceful breathing

  • Om Chant - chanting to create vibrations and healing

  • Kriya - comprising three breathing techniques

  • Meditation - to cool off the body

What is So Hum meditation?

So Hum meditation is a mantra meditation that is practiced along with Sudarshan Kriya. The word So Hum means "I am That" in Sanskrit. It is a way of affirming one's identity with the universal consciousness or the source of all creation.

So Hum meditation involves silently repeating the mantra So Hum in sync with the breath. As you inhale, you mentally say "So" and as you exhale, you mentally say "Hum". This helps to calm the mind and focus on the present moment.

So Hum meditation also has a deeper meaning. The sound "So" represents the cosmic vibration or the primordial sound that pervades everything in existence. The sound "Hum" represents the individual vibration or the unique expression of each being. By chanting So Hum, you are acknowledging your connection with the whole universe and your true nature as pure awareness.

How to practice Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation?

To practice Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation, you need to follow these steps:

  • Sit comfortably on a mat or a chair with your spine erect and your eyes closed.

  • Start with Ujjayi breathing by inhaling slowly through your nose while slightly constricting your throat. This will create a soft hissing sound like the ocean waves. Exhale slowly through your nose while maintaining the same sound. Do this for about 10 minutes.

  • Next, switch to Bhastrika breathing by inhaling forcefully through your nose while expanding your chest. Exhale forcefully through your nose while contracting your chest. Do this for about 10 minutes.

  • Then, chant Om three times with a long breath. Feel the vibration of Om resonating in your body and mind.

  • Now, begin the Kriya by following these three breathing techniques:

  • The first technique is called slow breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose for four counts while mentally saying "So". Exhale slowly through your nose for six counts while mentally saying "Hum". Do this for about 10 minutes.

  • The second technique is called medium breaths. Inhale through your nose for two counts while mentally saying "So". Exhale through your nose for four counts while mentally saying "Hum". Do this for about 10 minutes.

  • The third technique is called fast breaths. Inhale through your nose for one count while mentally saying "So". Exhale through your nose for two counts while mentally saying "Hum". Do this for about 10 minutes.

  • Finally, relax your breath and meditate for about 10 minutes. Observe any sensations or thoughts that arise in your awareness without judging or reacting to them. Just be aware of them as they come and go.

Benefits of Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation

Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation has many benefits for your physical, mental and emotional health. Some of them are:

Reduces stress and anxiety

Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation helps to lower the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in your body. It also activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation and healing. By doing so, it reduces the symptoms of stress and anxiety, such as high blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and insomnia. It also improves your mood and resilience to cope with challenging situations.

Enhances mental clarity and focus

Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation helps to clear the mental clutter and enhance your cognitive abilities. It increases the oxygen supply to the brain, which improves its functioning and memory. It also stimulates the production of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, which are responsible for learning, motivation and happiness. By practicing this meditation regularly, you can sharpen your concentration, creativity and problem-solving skills.

Improves physical health and immunity

Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation helps to boost your immune system and prevent various diseases. It enhances the production of natural killer cells, which are vital for fighting infections and cancer. It also reduces inflammation, which is linked to many chronic conditions, such as diabetes, arthritis and asthma. It also improves your digestion, metabolism and hormonal balance.

Promotes emotional well-being and happiness

Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation helps to release negative emotions, such as anger, fear, sadness and guilt, from your system. It also increases the levels of positive emotions, such as joy, love, gratitude and compassion. By practicing this meditation regularly, you can experience a sense of inner peace, harmony and fulfillment. You can also develop a positive outlook on life and a deeper connection with yourself and others.

How to access Art of Living Sudarshan Kriya So Hum Audio.mp3?

If you want to practice Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation at home or anywhere else, you can access the audio file that guides you through the process. There are two ways to do this:

Online platforms

You can stream or download the audio file from various online platforms that offer Art of Living courses and resources. Some of them are:

  • SoundCloud - You can find several versions of Art of Living Sudarshan Kriya So Hum Audio.mp3 on SoundCloud by different users. You can listen to them online or offline by using the SoundCloud app on your device.

  • Art of Living website - You can enroll in the online course called SKY Breath Meditation that teaches you Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation along with other breathing techniques and wisdom. You can access the audio file as part of the course material on the website or app.

  • Art of Living Journey app - You can download the app on your device and access various guided meditations, including Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation. You can also track your progress and get personalized recommendations based on your preferences.

Offline workshops

You can also attend offline workshops that teach you Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation in person. These workshops are conducted by certified instructors who will guide you through the technique step by step. You will also get a chance to interact with other participants and share your experiences. Some of the workshops are:

  • Happiness Program - This is a three-day workshop that covers Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation along with other breathing techniques, yoga postures and practical wisdom. It is suitable for anyone above 18 years of age who wants to learn how to manage stress, improve health and happiness.

  • Sahaj Samadhi Meditation - This is a two-day workshop that teaches you an effortless mantra meditation technique called Sahaj Samadhi Meditation along with Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation. It is suitable for anyone who wants to deepen their meditation practice and experience higher states of consciousness.

  • Sri Sri Yoga - This is a four-day workshop that teaches you a holistic yoga course that includes asanas, pranayamas, meditation and yogic wisdom along with Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation. It is suitable for anyone who wants to learn how to balance their body, mind and spirit through yoga.


Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation is a powerful breathing technique that can transform your life in many ways. It can help you reduce stress and anxiety, enhance mental clarity and focus, improve physical health and immunity, promote emotional well-being and happiness. You can practice it at home or anywhere else by accessing the audio file from various online platforms or attending offline workshops. If you want to learn more about this technique or experience it yourself, you can join a free online webinar or talk to a certified teacher near you.


  • What are the prerequisites for practicing Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation?

You do not need any prior experience or knowledge of yoga or meditation to practice Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation. However, it is recommended that you learn it from a certified instructor who can guide you through the technique correctly and safely.

  • How often should I practice Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation?

You should practice Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation daily for best results. However, you can also practice it as per your convenience and schedule. The duration of each session may vary depending on the version of the audio file or the guidance of the instructor.

  • What are the side effects of Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation?

Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation is generally safe and beneficial for most people. However, some people may experience some temporary side effects such as headache, nausea, dizziness or fatigue due to the release of toxins or emotional blockages from the system. These side effects usually subside within a few hours or days with proper rest and hydration.

  • Can I practice Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation during pregnancy?

No, it is not advisable to practice Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation during pregnancy as it may affect the blood pressure or oxygen levels of the mother or the fetus. However, pregnant women can practice other gentle breathing techniques or meditations under the guidance of a qualified instructor.

  • Can I practice Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation with other medications or therapies?

Yes, you can practice Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation with other medications or therapies as long as they do not interfere with your breathing patterns or mental state. However you should consult your doctor or therapist before practicing Sudarshan Kriya So Hum meditation if you have any medical condition or are undergoing any treatment.


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